Time is fleeting Mama.
Are you like most people thinking “next year is the year I will do professional family portraits”, or “I need to drop those last 10 pounds and then I will schedule pictures”. There are so many excuses, so many reasons NOT to do family portraits. But, there are also a million reasons why you MUST do professional family portraits.
Tomorrow is not guaranteed.
Okay, I know that is super yucky to think about, but its the truth! I was recently chatting with a mom friend of mine about how she needs to schedule her professional family portraits. She told me about how the last time she did them she had put them off like most of us do. Hoping to drop some weight or waiting for life to calm down a little. She finally pulled the plug and got them done. You know what…..her husband passed away shortly thereafter. My mama friend was and IS so grateful that she stopped procrastinating and took the pictures. What a special memory to have right?
They don’t stay little for long.
I did Josie’s newborn photos and I just can’t believe how much she has grown and changed since I last saw her. She has the most wonderful little personality, such a free spirit. I was so thrilled when her Mama got in touch with me to get some updated professional family portraits.
I encourage my clients to get their family pictures updated every year. It is so fun to see how your family has changed from year to year. I also strongly believe that every time you get professional family portraits taken, you add another chapter to your story.
Leaving a legacy
One of my FAVORITE things to do is to open the old shoebox I have in my closet and look at all of the old family pictures that are in it. Pictures of my own Mama when she was a child, of my grandmother, my father. I recently had the box out and my kids came in and we spent hours going through those photos while I told them stories about their family. Moments like that are just priceless to me. I am so thankful to have those images to share with my kids.
Professional family photography is an investment, and that truly is not lost on me. I save for my own family portraits. It is something that is so very important to me. I feel like I owe it to my children to tell this story.
Capture those memories. You will be glad you did.
I will be the first to say that cell phones now a days take amazing pictures. Its crazy to me. BUT they can not and will not replace a professional family photographer. We tell stories for a living. What will your story be?
I would love to help tell it! Drop me a line and lets chat – I promise you will be glad you did! Oh and don’t forget to snag your FREE wardrobe planning guide here!
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