Oh my gosh! These two little boys were the bees knees! I had SO. MUCH. FUN. chasing Emmett and Declan around. The “K” family was a referral from another client (thank you so much “F” Family!), I am so glad I got the chance to meet these guys. I knew immediately after talking with Mom that this was my kind of family. We met at their home in Arvada for their portrait session. Mom is in a cast and unsure as to how far she would be able to travel. But what a trooper she was- you see, she really wanted “good pictures” and in her mind good pictures meant going outside to find the perfect little spot. So off we went. We found a fantastic little trail not too far from their home that had all of the makings for the perfect session. This woman scooted herself all over the place, stomped through snow, went up and down some pretty fierce hills, all with a smile on her face. Oh and did I mention that it was FREEZING cold???
Yep, these guys were awesome. I really think that when parents are super laid back about pictures, that it rubs off on the kids and the result is amazing! I love being able to capture families in a natural way. Doing the little things that make them, well them. Emmett played with sticks, Declan curled up in a blanket, all the while Mom and Dad just watched and laughed.
Here are a few of my favorite shots from their fun winter family photography session!
Thank you so much “K” Family, it was such a privilege to spend the afternoon with you!
To view more of my Family Photography, please click here
To see my Children’s Photography portfolio, click here
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